A Message to the Single

“Let me encourage you that this conference is for you (and not in the way that you think).”

Cornerstone is offering an evening conference called “Redeeming Singleness.” It’s at this point that most single folks will feel a bit conflicted. On the one hand, you do like Cornerstone and feel kind of like you should go to these conferences. On the other hand, going to a “singleness conference” feels as exciting as hugging a porcupine. I understand. I am married, but I was single as an adult long enough to remember my response to anything Christian that included the phrase “singleness.” But let me encourage you that this conference is for you (and not in the way that you think). This is something you should come to.  

Here are 4 reasons why you should make time for this conference:                                                        
  1. Do it because singleness isn’t simple. As a single Christian, I remember being told lots of stereotypical things. Other Christians would talk to me about marriage as though it was the answer to a problem I didn’t know I had. They’d wonder aloud why some good Christian man wouldn’t marry eligible Christian bachelorette one, two, or three...with me right there. I’d wonder if they thought single people were like Legos who could fit together with anyone, you know, if they’d stop being so picky.

    But if you are at Cornerstone, you know we aren’t the reductionistic type. We tend to be pretty nuanced about complicated topics. And singleness is a complicated thing. It looks different across different seasons in life, across different personality types, and it brings out a variety of emotions and thoughts in any one person. This conference is an opportunity to come hear from your pastors and a panel of Christians who have different experiences and perspectives on how to navigate something so complicated.                                                              
  2. Do it because we’re all in this together. The local church is built to function like a family unit. We are each other’s support system, and we walk through life together. Whether it’s marriage, singleness, work, culture, or a whole host of other things, we lean on each other to figure out how to live godly lives. And we need that, because no matter how hard we try, we can’t hack it on our own. This conference is a piece of what it means to be a family: learning and leaning on each other because we love each other.                                                                        
  3. Do it so you can help others. In your life, you’ll walk with plenty of single people. They’ll be of various ages and have different feelings about singleness. And Jesus asks you to love all of them. Maybe you feel pretty good about your approach to singleness. That’s a genuinely good thing. But why not come get more tools that you can use to help others, who might have different needs than you?                                                                                                                    
  4. Do it because God isn’t done with you. You might feel like you’ve heard it all before. You might feel like you know what we’re going to say already. You might have already gone to one of our singleness conferences! But your relationship with God isn’t about how many things you’ve heard or what you know. No matter your marital status, age, or maturity, God isn’t done with you yet. We hope you’ll join us to come hear good, true things about God, the gospel, and singleness, and to think about what God has next for you.

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