Posts with the category “calling-and-culture”

Before You Buy Your Kid a Phone for Christmas…
November 22nd, 2021
There’s not a one-size-fits-all solution regarding kids and phones, but before you buy your kid a phone for Christmas, take a look at our latest article by Pastor Scott. He shares several helpful prin...  Read More
by Cornerstone West Los Angeles
Teaching Our Girls How They Are Wonderfully Made
November 9th, 2021
A period is a monthly reminder that our bodies were designed to create life. Are you ready to talk about it with your daughters? For all my fellow mamas, aunties, and big sisters, I offer three themes...  Read More
by Cornerstone West Los Angeles
The Discipleship Pathway, A Recap
October 26th, 2021
If you’ve been at Cornerstone for very long you’ve probably heard us talk about The Discipleship Pathway. Born out of a desire to help bring simplicity and order to the principles of our faith, The Di...  Read More
by Cornerstone West Los Angeles
Hold Loose Your Calling, Hold Fast to Christ
September 3rd, 2020
It has been a season of enduring significant hardships and experiencing very real losses. We are learning some deep lessons around key factors shaping our life and identity that we may not have chosen...  Read More
by Cornerstone West Los Angeles
The Year My Son Became a Man, Part 4
February 4th, 2020
As Harper’s homeschool year came to a close, we drew a line in the timeline of his life, and determined that, going forward, he would be treated like an adult in our home, and increasingly in our rela...  Read More
by Cornerstone West Los Angeles
The Year My Son Became a Man, Part 3
January 28th, 2020
Most discipleship of your children is going to take place during the warp and woof of your daily routines as they watch you interact with God, with others, and as they see you continue to grow yoursel...  Read More
by Cornerstone West Los Angeles
The Year My Son Became a Man, Part 2
January 23rd, 2020
In my previous post, I shared how we have begun to approach our kids’ middle school years by asking the question: How might we carve out time to invest intentionally and sacrificially in our children’...  Read More
by Cornerstone West Los Angeles
The Year My Son Became a Man, Part 1
January 14th, 2020
Last year was a special year in the life of our oldest son. We invested the year in an intensive process of discipleship that was far more intentional than anything we had previously done with any of ...  Read More
by Cornerstone West Los Angeles
Being in One Place at a Time
October 10th, 2019
From the printing press to the smart phone, every technological innovation is built to give us time. We used to have to wash clothes by hand, but now washing machines give us back those hours. We used...  Read More
by Cornerstone West Los Angeles
​It Takes A (Church) Village
September 12th, 2019
Parenting can be isolating. Which is surprising, given that parenting by definition increases the number of humans who hang out with you all the time. The reasons are varied: for example, new babies r...  Read More
by Cornerstone West Los Angeles
Limits of Science
July 25th, 2019
Scientific advances play a large role in our lives. Maybe you’re reading this article on a computer, a device made possible by understanding and controlling the flow of electrons. Or maybe you’re read...  Read More
by Cornerstone West Los Angeles
On Reading Well
March 13th, 2019
I’ve been on a bit of a reading kick lately. From novels with my Kinder moms book club and middle elementary audio books on the drive home, to parenting books by neuroscientists and heady theological ...  Read More
by Cornerstone West Los Angeles
Finding “The One”
January 23rd, 2019
For as long as I can remember, I’ve wanted to get married. I swallowed the narrative dangled in front of me by both the world and the church: marriage was everything. Whether it was time spent in chur...  Read More
by Cornerstone West Los Angeles
Store Your Treasures in Heaven
September 12th, 2018
Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys ...  Read More
by Cornerstone West Los Angeles
The Joy of Sending Your Children Off
August 30th, 2018
The other day I dropped my oldest son off at the airport for his first ever flight alone. He was traveling to visit my brothers and planning to spend a couple of weeks working on the farm of a family ...  Read More
by Cornerstone West Los Angeles
Social Media: The Thumb is a Fire
June 7th, 2018
On our way out of the house the other day my youngest daughter caught sight of her friend who lives next door. Skylar ran right over to her and—without a question, without a greeting, without so much ...  Read More
by Cornerstone West Los Angeles
Reflections on #MeToo and #TimesUp
May 22nd, 2018
Last Fall, when the #metoo movement hit a fever pitch, I wrestled with my reluctance to join the chorus on social media. It hurt to read this status over and over again on the profiles of women I know...  Read More
by Cornerstone West Los Angeles
God’s Heart for Foster Children
April 25th, 2018
On a recent visit to a local short-term residential treatment center (formerly called a “group home” in the Los Angeles foster care system) — I made the mistake of momentarily taking off my metaphoric...  Read More
by Cornerstone West Los Angeles
We Have to Talk About Money
February 6th, 2018
“While not everyone should know all our business, someone should.”When it comes to social situations, it’s common knowledge that you really shouldn’t bring up religion or politics. They make people un...  Read More
by Cornerstone West Los Angeles
Is Money Your Master?
January 30th, 2018
“How can you tell if you are mastered by your money?”    We are a camping family. So periodically we pack down the car with our tent and sleeping bags and head out into the middle of nowhere to enjoy ...  Read More
by Cornerstone West Los Angeles
Sports and the Tyranny of Self-Justification
August 22nd, 2017
“Christian, you have been justified by the blood of Christ, and are therefore free from the crushing burden of having to justify yourself through your performance.”    In the movie “Chariots of Fire”,...  Read More
by Cornerstone West Los Angeles
The Great Tragedy of Sainte Chapelle
July 13th, 2017
“At its best, religious art will draw a believer to notice something unique or profound, and thus, to worship God.”I recently had the privilege to travel to Paris, where the top of my must-see list wa...  Read More
by Cornerstone West Los Angeles
Living Locally
May 24th, 2017
“We are called to consider more than our personal convictions to ask what might best love our city.”When I went back home to Texas for the summer after my first year at USC, I had a conversation with ...  Read More
by Cornerstone West Los Angeles
Parenting Wide Open
May 17th, 2017
“He has been showing me that whenever I try to mother apart from Him, it not only results in sheer hypocrisy, it also hinders my kids from a clear view of Christ.”I was out with a group of new acquain...  Read More
by Cornerstone West Los Angeles
A Message to the Single
May 2nd, 2017
“Let me encourage you that this conference is for you (and not in the way that you think).”Cornerstone is offering an evening conference called “Redeeming Singleness.” It’s at this point that most sin...  Read More
by Cornerstone West Los Angeles
A Message to the Married
April 24th, 2017
“Let me challenge consider that this conversation DOES apply to you after all.”Cornerstone is offering an evening conference called “Redeeming Singleness.” It’s at this point that most marri...  Read More
by Cornerstone West Los Angeles
Ask Your Daughter’s Boyfriend about Porn
February 6th, 2017
For years I’ve imagined what it would be like to meet a romantic interest of my daughter’s. Of course there’s always the jokes of sitting in the chair cleaning your gun, and then there’s the fantasies...  Read More
by Cornerstone West Los Angeles
Everyone is Called to Orphan Care
January 31st, 2017
“It’s true that some people can’t ‘do that’ themselves—if by ‘that’ they mean take in a child in their current season of life. But orphan care is much larger than taking in a child. If by ‘that’ we me...  Read More
by Cornerstone West Los Angeles
Reflections on Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Pt 2
January 24th, 2017
In my first post I encouraged those who have never read Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in his own words to read “Letter from Birmingham Jail.”In this post I’d like to give 8 reflections on this letter and...  Read More
by Cornerstone West Los Angeles
Reflections on Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Pt 1
January 11th, 2017
It has been almost 50 years since Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated in Memphis, Tennessee. One of the unfortunate byproducts of time is that the words of historical figures become less and less ...  Read More
by Cornerstone West Los Angeles
The Emperor\'s New Clothing
December 29th, 2016
"Jesus gives us clothes of salvation and righteousness that we can't earn, can't buy, and can't find here on the earth."    When I was a kid, I had a children's book that told the story of The Emperor...  Read More
by Cornerstone West Los Angeles
Why Celebrate Advent?
November 26th, 2016
Thousands of years of human history involved looking forward to a promised messiah who would make things right in the world. Living on the other side of the incarnation, it can be easy for us to forge...  Read More
by Cornerstone West Los Angeles
The Gray Areas and Our History
November 15th, 2016
“Our evangelical history—especially our recent history, over the last century—has often shaped the way we treat our Bible, and the way we over- or under-react [to gray areas] in our Christian lives. W...  Read More
by Cornerstone West Los Angeles
Family Devotions: Where to Start
November 8th, 2016
“I believe that intentional, focused time with your children, teaching them about who God is and what he has done, is invaluable.”    I’ve been doing family devotions with my kids for a decade now. Yo...  Read More
by Cornerstone West Los Angeles
The Good Work of Women, Part 5
September 21st, 2016
“When your vocational choices are limited by finances, it can feel like you are trapped, hopeless, enslaved. But God promises you a secure future with him that even the deepest pangs of this world can...  Read More
by Cornerstone West Los Angeles
God and Money, Part 4
September 15th, 2016
True Contentment“In Christ, not only do we have everything we could ever need, but we are given freedom from the desire to be rich, we are given freedom from the love of money, and we are empowered to...  Read More
by Cornerstone West Los Angeles
The Good Work of Women, Part 4
September 14th, 2016
“We can only work with willing hands when we have a deep trust in His sovereign hands.”    I have been so blessed to read the first three posts in this series. Meredith has presented a thorough look a...  Read More
by Cornerstone West Los Angeles
Sleep is a Beautiful Act of Humility
September 13th, 2016
“Sleep is a beautiful act of humility.  When we sleep we are declaring to God that we can’t do everything we want to do. You can’t keep going. You are finite. You must rest.”    I’ve fought with my al...  Read More
by Cornerstone West Los Angeles
God and Money, Part 3
September 8th, 2016
“Saving and debt are intricately related, and developing biblical convictions on both is necessary to being a good steward of God’s finances.”In the past two posts I discussed our identity as stewards...  Read More
by Cornerstone West Los Angeles
The Good Work of Women, Part 3
September 7th, 2016
“How do you navigate the practical aspects of balancing the high calling of a wife and mother with the constant phone calls from the office?”In Parts One and Two of this series, we have looked at the ...  Read More
by Cornerstone West Los Angeles